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Headboards and Fabric Walls – London

Hand Made multi panel Headboard with concealed lighting installed in London

Headboards and Fabric Walls – London

Inspiring Your Home supply and install superb hand made Headboards and Fabric Walls all over London and the surrounding areas. Below are a few examples……

Below is a Hand Made Padded Fabric Headboard with Body and Border Design installed in London

Headboard upholstered with Body and Border design
Hand Made Headboard upholstered with Body and Border design installed in London

Here we have a simple Upholstered Headboard fitted in Docklands, London. The multi-panel design makes access easier for installation, otherwise it would need a crane up the side of the building and in through a balcony door.

Hand made Four Panel Headboard, padded and fabric covered fitted in Docklands
Four Panel Fabric Covered Headboard

Room Divider

Below we have a Headboard that is also a Room Divider in London

Headboard as Room Divider - with electrical sockets
Headboard as Room Divider – with sockets for power, lighting and WiFi

Close up of switches and faceplates in Room Divider/Headboard fitted in London
Switches and Faceplates in Room Divider or Headboard fitted in London. In this case we have cupboards behind for a dressing area, with co-operation from your plumber it could be a shower area

We can include  Reading Lights and Recessed LED strips as required, below we installed the Headboard together with a Fully Cassetted Motorised Blackout Roller Blind

Three panel Headboard with recessed lighting and reading lights, also a fully cassetted Blackout Roller Blind in this simple but elegant bedroom
Three panel Headboard with recessed lighting and reading lights, and Fully Cassetted Blackout Roller Blind


Here is the blueprint for the construction of a multi-panel Headboard that otherwise would never access the space

Construction Diagram for a twnety five panel headboard
Construction Diagram for a twenty five panel headboard with LED lighting strip

Below one of our Specialist Installers works on the final assembly prior to mounting on the wall

The back of a headboard created in several pieces for access and with lighting
Behind the Scenes showing the back of a headboard created in several pieces for access and with lighting

Inspiring Your Home can supply Headboards and Fabric Walls on their own or together with Blinds or Curtains. From a simple padded upholstered rectangle to multiple special shapes. We can provide Headboards with concealed lighting and/or Reading Lights.

Here is a Fabric Wall installed in Essex by Inspiring Your Home

Wall of Fabric installed in Essex by Inspsiring Your Home
Essex Fabric Wall

There was a door – this client wanted a simple handle – we could have installed a hidden electrical lock with remote release

Fabric covered door in Fabric covered wall
Door to Secret Room in Fabric Wall in London

Behind this Secret Door is a Dressing Room

Hidden Room behind Secret Door in Fabric Wall
Hidden Room behind Secret Door in Fabric Wall

If you have a New Interior Design Project and would like a Bespoke Solution – that works –
please talk to us by  Phone or Email for Your Free Quote, and let us Inspire Your Home
Each project is very individual and we would sometimes need to liaise with your electrician or builder at the planning stage to bring these plans to successful fruition.

With our showroom in Highgate and our extensive warehouse and factory in Waltham Abbey, Inspiring Your Home install HeadBoards and Fabric Walls in North London, West London, East London, Central London, Essex and Hertfordshire 

You can get in touch by emailing us at info@inspiringyourhome.co.uk or feel free to give us a call on 0203 893 7777.

If you’d like a Free Quote, fill out our contact us form!

If you’d like to see some of our latest work, then make sure to follow us on our socials!


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From start to finish our team are on hand to help you.

No Obligation Quotations

We believe in being trustworthy and honest with all our quotes.

Local Family Run Business

Family is at the heart of everything we do

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