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Electric Motorised Roller Blinds for Patio and Balcony Doors – London

Electric Blinds fitted at Bifold Doors in North London. The blinds have been lowered to halfway.

Above are Electric Blinds fitted at Bifold Doors in North London

Electric Motorised Roller Blinds for Patio and Balcony Doors installed in London. Bifold Doors. Sliding Doors. French Doors. Juliette Balcony Doors.

Electric Motorised Blinds for Patio Doors – London. Motorised Blinds installed on Balcony and Patio Doors in London by Inspiring Your Home. We can use various categories of fabric, but there is a common theme of installing a Decorquip Capital Fascia (since this neatens the installation and hides the blinds when not in use)

What are the best motorised blinds for Patio Doors ?

Roller Blinds with Electric Battery Motors are the most versatile Blinds for Patio Doors of all types. You will know which type of door you have.
French Doors are a pair of doors that usually open by swinging outwards, one to either side
Bifold Doors open in a concertina motion travelling to one end or the other
Sliding Doors slide sideways, sometimes one is fixed at the end, sometimes you can slide both (or all) doors to any position on the track
Juliette Balcony Doors usually slide with a glass barrier at the lower half outside, often installed on upper floors with no true balcony
You can have single blinds or multiple – depending on the configuration and the width – often bifold doors will have a single blind at the end where the first opening door is.

Electric Roller Blinds for a pair of sets of Sliding Doors in Central London
Electric Roller Blinds with Capital Fascia for Sliding Doors in Central London

Battery Electric Motorised Blinds vs Hard Wired Electric Motorised Blinds ?

We don’t mind, we offer both. Twenty years ago Hard Wired Electric Motors were the obvious choice, but Battery Electric Motors have come a long way (largely thanks to mobile phones) and we can now operate far larger blinds with batteries and they usually only need charging every 6-12 months (depending on use).
If you do want Hard Wired Electric Motorised Roller Blinds please do consider this at the planning stage – or you would need to  redecorate after the hard wiring has been chased in.

Child Safety – Electric Motorised Roller Blinds are always Child Safe – no dangling chains, loops or cords.

What fabric can you use?

Blackout, Regular or Screen – to suit your requirements

Electric roller blinds in screen fabric fitted at sliding patio doors in East London
Sliding Doors – Blinds in Screen Fabric

Decorquip Capital Fascia

Two Electric Roller Blinds - on two windows side by side - one has Decorquip Capital Fascia 120mm fitted - one does not
Do you prefer the blind with Fascia or without ?

Partway through an installation, one of the Electric Roller Blinds has had its 120mm Decorquip Capital Fascia fitted the other has not. We think the Fascia is the finishing touch for a Roller Blind Installation

How many Electric Blinds can you operate at the same time?

How many Electric Blinds can you operate together - here we have over a dozen installed in Essex, but realistically we have never found an upper limit
Multiple blinds installed in Essex on one remote control

Here we have over a dozen blinds all on one control (you can control them individually or as a group). We have never found an upper limit to the number of blinds we can control.

Electric Motorised Blinds for Patio Doors – London

Electric roller blind for bifold doors in Docklands, East London lowered partway, here in a bright floral pattern
This happy Electric Blind for Bifold Doors in Docklands, East London

We have a huge range of fabrics available. Plain Fabrics in a rainbow of colours. Patterned Fabrics in a huge range of designs. Or we can have your favourite Designer Fabric laminated – lamination works well for prints, can be an issue for embroideries or textured fabrics – please contact us to discuss your exact requirements

I’ve got Sliding Doors and Bifold Doors – what Blinds are best ?

Sliding Doors and Bifold Doors in same space, identical electric roller blinds behind Fascia
Sliding Doors and Bifold Doors with the same Electric Roller Blinds

We can install the same Electric Roller Blinds at Sliding Doors and Bifold Doors

How wide can you make a blind for Patio Doors?

Wide Electric Roller Blind for French Doors in North London
Single Wide Electric Roller Blind – French Doors – North London

A single electric blind for Bifold Doors is usually a maximum width of just over 3m as standard – possibly wider on occasion – but there is a possible issue. We get our Roller Blind Fabric up to 3m wide, and the full mechanism and headrail can add 3-5cm to this. However if your Patio Doors are under 2.5m in height we may be able to turn the fabric and therefore make a wider blind.

Do you need multiple blinds for Bifold doors?

Electric Blinds for Bifold Doors in North London, blinds here are set at different heights
Electric Blinds set at different heights on North London Bifold Doors

No, but, we often fit a single blind at the end of Bifold Doors for when you are using this panel as a door but leaving the rest of the Bifold Panels closed. The wider we make your blind the thicker the barrel has to be not to sag in the middle (we cannot support the centre of a roller blind). The biggest barrel we have used was 150mm/15cm/6″ in diameter – quite chunky – and you would want to have the space to conceal it. For truly specialist applications we would advise that you contact us sooner rather than later at the building stage so we can discuss where a blind can be installed

Best Blind for a Juliette Balcony?

Electric Roller Blind at Juliette Balcony in Docklands East London
Electric Roller Blind fitted to East London Juliette Balcony

A Juliette Balcony is not a balcony at all. Full length Sliding Doors are installed in place of a window and a safety barrier (usually in glass) is fitted outside. Excellent for light and ventilation

I want my blinds completely hidden – no problem.

Now you see them

UV Screen Electric Blinds for French Doors in East London
UV Screen Electric Blinds for French Doors in East London

Now you don’t

UV Electric Blinds for French Doors in East London - but you cannot see them because they are recessed into slots above the windows
UV Screen Electric Blinds for French Doors in East London, recessed into slots above the windows

The above photos show Arched French Doors, but the principle when fitting Electric Roller Blinds is the same, and these do demonstrate what we can achieve when consulted earlier during the construction or refurbishment phase

If you would like Electric Blinds for your Sliding Doors, Bifold Doors, Patio Doors or Juliette Balcony Doors and would like a Bespoke Solution – that works –
please talk to us by  Phone or Email for Your Free Quote, and let us Inspire Your Home
Each project is very individual and we would sometimes need to liaise with your electrician or builder at the planning stage to bring more complex plans to successful fruition.

With our showroom in Highgate and our extensive warehouse and factory in Waltham Abbey, Inspiring Your Home install Electric Blinds for Patio and Balcony Doors in North London, West London, East London, Central London, Essex and Hertfordshire 

You can get in touch to arrange to visit our Highgate Showroom or to book an appointment for our mobile showroom to come to you. Email us at info@inspiringyourhome.co.uk or feel free to give us a call on 0203 893 7777.

For your Free Quote, fill out our contact us form!

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